
Thengumkudiyil Kudumbayogam


I. Introduction

  1. 1.     Name

This Kudumbayogam will be named and known as “Thengumkudiyil Kudumbayogam”.

  1. 2.     Head office

The head office of this Kudumbayogam will be at Pothanikad which is in Pothanokad village, part of  Kothamangalam Taluk, in Ernakulam distict.

  1. 3.     Address

Thengumkudiyil Kudumbayogam

Central committee office

Near J. J supporters

Mavudy, Pothanikad

  1. 4.     Area of  work

This Kudumbayogam envisages working for the family members who stay together in any geographical area or live individually elsewhere.

II. Objectives

  1. To foster love, unity and co-operation among the family members.
  2. To know the family members who live at different places by which the relations are known and strengthened.
  3. To device plans and programmes to help and develop the families who are financially and socially backward.
  4. To help the students of our families who are intellectually capable but find it difficult to meet the expenses of their studies.
  5. To rehabilitate and work for the welfare of the sick, widows, minor orphans, unmarried individuals who are above the age of sixty.
  6. To settle the disputes between the families and the members of the different families and to resolve the problems among the members.

III. Membership and Members

  1. All the children who are born to the male members of the Thengumkudiyil family.
  2. Any member who becomes part of the family through adoption also becomes a member.
  3. The membership does not require any application or fees.
  4. Each member shall have faithfulness and belongingness to the Kudumbayogam and shall cooperate to work in-accordance with the by-laws.
  5. No one should indulge oneself in any activity that would refute the unity of the families in this Kudumbayogam.
  6. Each member should be enthusiastic enough to abide by the decisions of the Kudumbayogam and the administrative body.

IV. Family Unit

  1. Each family known and named ‘Thengumkudiyil’ will form a unit.
  2. When a male member of the family changes his domicile by making a new house and shifts that has to be registered as a new unit.
  3. News about the birth, death, marriage etc. in a unit should be reported to the central committee office.

V. Voting Right

1. The common rule permits a vote for each family as a unit.

2. In the absence of the head of the family (father), mother or anyone who is a major, entitled for the purpose can exercise the right of voting.

3. Those who stay single crossing the age of fifty also have equal right of voting and other rights as that of a family unit.

4. All the priests and religious sisters of our family also have the right of voting.

5. Rules 2, 3 and 4 guarantee the right of voting for the members as described. But the right to contest the elections to the administrative body will be as per the regulations and directives of the election.

VI. Kudubayogam/Committee Meetings

  1. All the members of the families together constitute our Kudumbayogam.
  2. The apex administrative body of the Kudumbayogam is this general get-together.
  3. The Chairman will be the president of the common gatherings.
  4. The annual general gathering is to be convoked in accordance with the decision of the administrative body of this Kudumbayogam.
  5. The agenda of the general gatherings should always include the details of income, expenditure, annual budget.
  6. The right for the amendment of the by-laws is for the general body meeting. It has to come as part of the agenda and it requires the majority of vote from the members present for the amendment.
  7. Administrative body is elected in the general body gathering. One needs to get a single majority to be elected to the administrative body.
  8. Complaints about the administrative body and the issues that are not resolved in the administrative body will be discussed in the general body meetings.
  9. Discussions on politics or political parties, issues that are against the Church and Catholic faith, any subjects damaging a family or any member of a family are strictly forbidden in the general body meetings.


VII Administrative Body

  1. It is a 9 member body elected by the general meeting constitute the administrative body of this Kudumbayogam. They will direct and regulate the activities of the Kudumbayogam.
  2. The members of this body are the following having the tenure for 2 years:








  1. It would be apt and fitting, if the chairman be a priest and vice-chairmen be religious sisters. Males are preferred to be the president, the secretary and the treasurer. There should be adequate representation for women too.

VIII. Responsibilities

  1. The Chairman will preside over the general meetings and sessions of our Kudumbayogam. But the President will be presiding over the meetings of the administrative body and committees.
  2. It is the secretary, with the consent of the President, who is to convoke the general meetings and to do the official correspondence.
  3. Maintain an appropriate account about the money collected through donations and contributions. It is the duty of the treasurer to maintain the accounts. He has to present it for auditing and it has to be presented during the General Meeting.
  4. The common properties of the Kudumbayogam will be registered and administered under the joint responsibility of the President and the Secretary. The treasurer has to deposit the money in the joint account of the Kudumbayogam. No one can keep an amount exceeding 1000 more than seven days.
  5. Monetary collections can be done only with the permission of the administrative body and with proper receipts.


  1. Two members selected by the General Meeting will be the auditors. They have to audit the half-yearly and annual accounts.
  2. The financial year is from 1st May to 30th April.