Maria John

Mrs. Maria John was born on the 19th of February 1951 as the eldest daughter of the late Sri. T. X. John & Smti. Aleykutty John. She is married to Sri. John Joseph, son of the late Sri. Varkey Joseph & Smti. Aleykutty Joseph from the Karikunnel family, Vazhakala. They are currently residing in Toronto, Canada.

They have two sons, Gerald & Dikky. Mr. Gerald Joseph is settled in Toronto, Canada.He is hotelier by profession. Gerald Joseph married Smti. Gisha & they have 2 daughters, Maria & Monica. Mr. Dikky Joseph is settled in Toronto, Canada.He is hotelier by profession. Dikky Joseph married Smti. Sonia. They have a daughter, Madline & a son, Emmanuel.

Contact Address

Gerald Joseph

208,Hawkview BLVD

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Gerald Joseph-001-416-9951095

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